Child Care Subsidy
What is the Child Care Subsidy?
The Child Care Subsidy is a payment that helps families with the cost of approved child care. Life ELC is recognised as a fully licensed and Accredited Children Service. All eligible families have access to the Child Care Subsidy (CCS).
We are here to help.
How do I know if I am eligible for the Child Care Subsidy (CCS)?
You and your partner care for the child a minimum if two nights / fortnight
You or your partner are responsible for child care fees
The child meets immunisation requirements
You use an approved child care service
If you are still not sure if you are eligible contact Centrelink on 136 150
More information on Child Care Subsidy Eligibility.
Contact us at Life Early Learning Centre for help & support.
07 4448 3112
How do I know how much I am entitled to?
This is determined by three factors.
Your household income
The hours of work-related activity you & your partner do
The hourly rate cap based on the type of child care you use
Find out more about the Child Subsidy Activity Test
What is a myGov Account?
A myGov Account is used to access the Child Care Subsidy as well as other communications & payments from Centrelink, Medicare and Child Support, all in one place.
The Childcare Subside Calculator
This Child Care Subsidy (CCS) Calculator is developed for Australian parents to estimate their possible Child Care Subsidy payment amount from the Australian Government and out-of-pocket child care costs when using Child Care Services.
I am a Grandparent providing care, am I eligible?
Grandparent’s can apply for the Additional Child Care Subsidy.
I am experiencing temporary financial hardship, and I don’t know what to do?
Additional Child Care Subsidy (transition to work) is a payment from the government which families can apply for to help with the cost of child care while they are transitioning to work from income support payments by engaging in work, study or training activities.